Laboratory Х

9-channel video installation

Supported by Pro Arte Foundation and CYLAND Media Art Lab

CYFEST-13 International Media Art Festival, AIR.ITMO.Residency

November 11–23, 2021

Any conspiracy theory arises from the desire to explain the complexity of the world in a simplified way. As an artistic gesture, Alina Kugush takes this logic to an absurd conclusion, by “thinking in categories” — visual ones, in this case.

The project features several screens combined with a static collage. This “visual cloud” also includes a laboratory table with screens mounted in it. Several of the screen are placed at the bottom of glass tubes. The animation of the screens moves at different speeds — from 3 to 9 frames per minute. The visual refrain: domestic objects resembling microbes under a microscope replace one another. The unpredictability of elements that perform the role of “microbes” cause a comic effect.

Catalog of the 13' CyFest International Media Art Festival [online pdf]

Laboratory X. Alina Kugush

art mediation on a group project “Who are you, and who am I?”

Photo: Mikhail Grigoriev ©️Air.ITMO

Laboratory X. Alina Kugush
Laboratory X. Alina Kugush

